Is There a Difference in the Way Men and Women Make Sujud (Prostrate)?

Name of Questioner: Hajra

Date: 2-6-2021 01:03:32 PM


Salam. My question about prayer is, whether the sujood of women is different or same to men? Some people say that when a woman does sujood she should stick her stomach to her thighs and her forearms on the ground and she should not keep her feet upright but to her right side because it is more concealing. So, when i asked for proofs they provided weak and mursal hadiths as proofs. And some people say that the sujood is the same for all because of the hadith "pray as u have seen me praying". But what I say is now both the method wont be correct , right? Now I don't know which method is correct..... Please help and do provide proofs too if possible.

Thank you very much for your question. It is our pleasure to answer it.

The most correct view is that there is no difference in the way men and women make salah (prayer). 

Women should do the same things that men do in the prayer, so they should raise their hands and spread their arms out when prostrating, and make their backs level when bowing and lift their stomachs up off their thighs, and their thighs up off their calves, when prostrating… they should sit on the left foot with the right foot held upright when sitting between the two prostrations and in the first tashahhud. In the last tashahhud of the prayer there is only one tashahhud, and they should sit mutawarrikan (with the left upper thigh on the ground and both feet protruding from one (the right) side) during the final tashahhud of three- and four-rak`ah prayers.

There are no exceptions for women in any of these matters.

The Proof: 

Sheikh Al-Albani said, at the end of his book (The Prophet’s Prayer Described): "All that has been mentioned of the description of the Prophet's prayer (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) applies equally to men and women, for there is nothing in the Sunnah to necessitate the exception of women from any of these descriptions; in fact, the generality of his statement (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), ‘Pray as you have seen me praying’, includes women". 

In case you are praying in a public place where men may see you, such as in the Haram in Makkah, or in a park – if you have to pray there – then you should be careful with regard to every action that may lead to uncovering any part of you, and take extra precautions in this case.

I hope this answers your question.